Calvary Houston’s vision for the Youth Ministry is the same as our overall vision of worship, win, disciple, and send. We pray that all the youth in this ministry would have a genuine and authentic relationship with God and that would be expressed in their worship and how they live.
We seek to equip the youth to navigate and defend their faith in the challenging cultural landscape of today; being able to always give a defense to anyone who asks about the hope that is within them. We teach through the Bible verse by verse, in order that the church might grow into maturity and affect the world around us.
Our vision is to cultivate a generation of graduates who, having been firmly rooted in their faith, will not conform to the pattern of this world, but will be transformed by the renewing of their minds in Christ Jesus.
For more information about Calvary Houston Youth, email us at
Sunday Service
CH Youth meets every Sunday from 11am – 12:20pm in the fellowship hall youth area, rooms 208 and 209! This is for all youth in 7th-12th grade. A typical youth Sunday service includes time to hang out, play games, worship, and a verse-by-verse study from the Bible.
Small Groups
CH Youth small groups are on the second and fourth Thursdays from 6:30-8pm in the fellowship hall youth area, rooms 208 and 209! This is a time of food, fellowship, games, and the Word of God.